Welcome to World Building University (WBU)! TheĀ online courses provide step-by-step instruction on how to create all aspects of great fantasy and science fiction worlds. Each includes a series of video lessons, quizzes to test your retention of what you’ve learned, and assignments designed to make your creation a reality instead of a dream. Courses are intended for both authors, game designers, and hobbyists.
New courses are still being added. Please check back if a course you’d like is not yet available. If you have suggested courses, you can use the contact page to write WBU.
Please note that when we launched in 2019, we offered Accelerated World Building for free, but that this promotion, which is sometimes mentioned in podcasts or YouTube videos, is no longer available.
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Recent News

How to Create Gods and Pantheons Course Update
A course on how to invent gods and pantheons for your fantasy (and sci-fi) settings is now in development. Please check back for details or join The Art of World Building mailing list to be notified of the release and Read More …

Accelerated World Building Launched!
World Building University (WBU) has an Accelerated World Building course that is now available! This course walks you through decisions on what you invent for your setting and what you can skip. And this will speed up your world building! Read More …

Course Launched!
For one week, from 2/12/2019 to 2/18/2019, How to Create a Species/Race is available for enrollment! It may not be again for up to six months so now’s the time to become a master and beat your world building competition. Read More …