How to Create a Species/Race

How to Create a Species/Race

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This is the most comprehensive, step-by-step process on how to create an amazing, original species/race in 2 months or less, without being overwhelmed or unsure how to get it done.

Are You Ready To…

Become an expert in creating species and races?

Create ones that makes your audience LOVE your stories/games?

Eliminate indecision & get the work done with confidence, excitement, & purpose?

Be better at this than all of your competitors so your work stands out?

Become a Master Species/Race Creator

Get inspired, get motivated, get it done

In 2 months or less

Here’s a Breakdown of Each Module

Module: About the Course

  • The course goals
  • How the course is laid out
  • The count of video lessons, quizzes, and assignments included, and course length
  • Who the ideal students are and what sets them apart
  • About the instructor
  • How the course templates and assignments are set up
  • About the course bonuses and how to access them

Module: Reasons to Invent a Species/Race

  • Reasons to invent our own species or race (this may include reasons you haven’t thought of)
  • Why our species will be compared to others
  • What is mandatory to invent and what is optional

Module: Names and Nicknames

  • What makes some names better than others
  • Ways in which names can be worse than we think and how to avoid pitfalls
  • How we can use names to associate a species with its races
  • The impressions and traits of names
  • Tricks for how to invent nicknames

Module: When to call it a Species or Race

  • What a species is
  • What a race is
  • Why the amount of difference between two humanoids helps determine which word to use
  • Why it matters if two lifeforms are from the same planet or not, regarding which term to use
  • How dwarfism on Earth (among humans) is different from fantasy dwarfism
  • Whether the ability to interbreed matters for our choice
  • How using a hierarchy of both terms can promote understanding of our life form(s) and setting
  • My recommendations on when to use each term (or both!)

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Module: Determining Disposition

  • Why “good” and “evil” is an oversimplification but why it’s done on purpose
  • What “good” and “evil” can mean
  • The merits of one-dimensional dispositions
  • Why having species that are uniformly good or evil is not the best option
  • Why they might be uniformly good or evil
  • Why more complexity in disposition is good
  • Why a “good” species is more useful and how to make an “evil” species more comparable
  • How to use races of a species to create more variety

Module: Their Source of Fame

  • We’ll look at some reasons our species or race might be famous
  • The types of items they can and cannot use
  • Travel considerations for non-humanoids
  • The benefits of humanoids
  • Pros and cons of non-humanoids
  • How to combine them

Module: Whether They’re Humanoid or Not

  • The types of items they can and cannot use
  • Travel considerations for non-humanoids
  • The benefits of humanoids
  • Pros and cons of non-humanoids
  • How to combine them

Module: Determining Their Habitat

  • What impact a habitat might have on a species, including underground, under water, flying species, and forests
  • The impact of climate on development
  • Whether they only live in settlements of their own or also in those of other species, and the impact this has
  • How to fill out the habitat section of the template

Module: Creating Humanoid Bodies

  • Whether races and species should bear some resemblance to each other, how to achieve this, and how to utilize this
  • Facial features to choose from
  • Terms we shouldn’t use
  • What aspects of the body we need to develop

Module: Creating Non-Humanoid Bodies

  • We’ll look at considerations for how to create the body of a non-humanoid
  • How climate can affect clothing choices
  • How attitudes about nudity can impact clothing
  • Style considerations
  • What sorts of items and accessories to think about them using
  • Body modifications to consider adding

Module: Determining Their Clothing

  • How climate can affect clothing choices
  • How attitudes about nudity can impact clothing
  • Style considerations
  • What sorts of items and accessories to think about them using
  • Body modifications to consider adding

Module: Determining Their Senses

  • Sight
  • Hearing
  • Feel
  • Taste
  • Smell
  • Sixth sense(s)
  • And how to determine if there’s anything different about these based on what we’ve created so far, such as habitat and their bodies

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Module: Determining Their Physical Traits

  • Agility
  • Dexterity
  • Constitution
  • Strength
  • And how to determine these based on habitat and their body

Module: The Sixth Sense(s)

  • Telepathy
  • Clairvoyance
  • Psychometry
  • Precognition
  • Mediumship
  • And why a species may have one of these abilities, based on habitat, body, and lifestyle

Module: Determining Their Mental Traits

  • Charisma
  • Intelligence
  • Morale
  • Wisdom

Module: Determining Their Gods

  • How traits can be used to chose or invent gods, including detailed examples
  • The impact of already having gods (or not) on choosing ones for this species
  • How to associate the species with religions

Module: Language Considerations

  • Whether there’s a common language and who it originated from
  • Language proficiency levels and how we can leverage this
  • Writing systems we can employ (alphabetic, logographic, pictograms, ideagrams)
  • What direction a language is written in and why
  • How to use species characteristics to determine what language characteristics

Module: Creating Relationships with Family

  • How long a species lives and the impact on outlook
  • Family size and its potential impact
  • Child rearing and who participates
  • Expectations of teenagers
  • Whether military service or taking over a family business is expected
  • Major milestones we can leverage
  • Species attitudes about various family subjects like marriage, monogamy, and more

Module: Creating Family Names

  • The difference between a given name and surname
  • When, how, and why each is chosen
  • How compound surnames work
  • The flexibility we have in choosing name order
  • Mistakes and clichés to avoid
  • Techniques for creating names

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Module: Determining Customs

  • What customs are and aren’t
  • The effect of following or not following customs
  • The types of customs we should invent as world builders
  • Real world greetings and dining customs to leverage
  • How to use your species characteristics, developed in an earlier lesson, to influence customs you invent

Module: Creating Civilizations

  • The goals of governance so we can decide if our species desires this, and if they’re capable of it
  • Whether they create settlements and what they’re like
  • Whether they live in settlements created by others and how to decide
  • Whether they form settlements with other species and how to decide
  • Four major types of sovereign powers our species might form and the traits that would lead them to choose one

Module: Creating Relationships with Other Species

  • How humans view your species
  • How your species view humans
  • How to do human commentary with your species/race
  • When there are two races of a species, how to determine their interactions
  • Techniques to creating relationships between species/races

Module: Relationships with the Supernatural

  • How mental and physical traits impact a species’ relationship with the supernatural
  • What to consider when deciding how they deal with magic, phenomena, and gods

Module: Relationships with Technology

  • Different technologies to consider in both fantasy and science fiction settings
  • Which personal traits (mental and physical) impact the ability to both create and use technologies
  • How species can acquire tech they can’t create and the impact on relations between species

Module: Determining Combat Skills

  • A look at what kinds of weapons are impacted by your body and which ones aren’t
  • How physical and mental traits can be used to decide combat styles
  • What weapons act as equalizers, making the weak strong
  • When weapons designed for another species can be used by this one
  • Attitudes often shown about combat
  • Natural weapons and defenses some species may have and how to decide on this

Module: Creating History

  • Their origins and where else they’ve relocated to to understand which civilization of them is oldest and newest
  • Government changes, why these happen, and the impact they have
  • Wars between species, race, and sovereign powers
  • Inventions and discoveries they’ve made
  • Significant events and characters

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